"Limited to only one alternative email" error while changing the email on your Epic Games account

If you are a child and your parent hasn't helped you set up your account, you may have a Cabined Account with different features. Visit this page if you think you might have a Cabined Account to learn more.

While attempting an email change, you are asked to enter a new email address for your Epic Games account. You will receive a message with a verification link to this new address.

If you receive this error message, you haven't yet verified you have access to the new email address:

To complete your email change request, you need to:
  • Log into the new email address that you entered, find the verification message, and click on VERIFY YOUR EMAIL.
    Note: If you click on Resend Email a new verification message will be sent to the same email address.
  • If you don’t have access to the email address you entered or want to use a different email, click on CANCEL. In the pop-up window, click CONFIRM to cancel the email change.
    Confirm cancellation

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