Rocket League Connection Troubleshooting on PlayStation

In this article, you'll find suggestions to help solve connectivity issues that prevent you from playing Rocket League online.

Connection problems with Rocket League could be caused by many different issues. Below you will find the most common fixes if you’re getting any of the following messages in-game:

  • You are currently not connected to the Rocket League Servers
  • Not Logged in to Rocket League Servers
  • No servers online, Please try again later
  • Unknown error while communicating with Rocket League Servers

The suggestions are listed in order of what we've noticed solves the most issues you might run into. Start from the top and work your way through the list. We hope you'll be back on the field in a jiffy!

  1. Check the PlayStation Server Status
  2. Check your region to improve connection performance and speed
  3. Make sure you are not in a Restricted region
  4. Restart your router to improve connection
  5. Make sure you are playing on a Wired connection
  6. Disconnect other devices from the network to improve connection performance
  7. Enable Port Forwarding
  8. Use Google Public DNS

If you are in a restricted region, you may experience connectivity issues. For more information, visit: What are the regional restrictions For Rocket League?

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