How do I troubleshoot Fall Guys technical issues on my Switch?

Before any troubleshooting steps, we always recommend restarting your device. Follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Hold down the power button on the console for at least 3 seconds
  2. Select Power Options
  3. Select Restart

If the console is not responding, hold the power button down for 12 seconds to force the console to shut down. You can turn it back on after it has been turned off.

If the problem persists, check for game updates:

  1. Select System Settings
  2. Select System
  3. Select Software Update

If this is your first time playing Fall Guys and you are stuck at loading, please try installing and accepting the Terms of Use on a PC.

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher on a PC.
  2. Sign in using Nintendo Switch Credentials.
  3. Download and install Fall Guys.
  4. Open the game and wait for it to load until the Terms of Use appear.
  5. Accept the Terms of Use, do not skip.
  6. Play at least one game and exit properly.
  7. Open Fall Guys on Nintendo Switch.

If this does not resolve the issue, verify that your files are not corrupted:

  1. Select System Settings
  2. Select Data Management
  3. Select Software
  4. Select Fall Guys
  5. Select Check for Corrupted Data

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please uninstall and reinstall Fall Guys on your Switch. For any further assistance, please contact Nintendo Switch Support.

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